[Acm-announce] LUG Web and Newbie Week Reminders

Chase Lee clee231 at uic.edu
Thu Oct 9 13:14:15 CDT 2014

Hello Everyone,

This is a quick reminder LUG Web and Newbie Week.

LUG Web will be meeting this *Friday, October 10, 2014* at *5:30PM* in the
CS Lounge area.
The topics of discussion this week are as follows:

   - Drupal Introduction
   - HTML5 Pushstates
   - New Web APIs Overview

If you attended the previous meeting, keep in mind any ideas you may want
to implement on a new ACM website. The more ideas we have, the better we
can make it!  Hope to see you all there!


All of next week, The Linux Users Group will be hosting their annual
Linux *Newbie
Week*!  Newbie week will start on *October 13* and conclude on *October 17*.
Newbie Week is a chance for new users to learn more about Linux!  At first,
Linux may be a daunting thing to handle... With all these terminal commands
and unfamiliar toolsets.

We hope that after learning about Linux, you will understand a bit more
about the operating system and perhaps gain an appreciation for all the
Linux goodness! :-)  If you are a CS major, then you are bound to dabble
with Linux at some point or another, so get a jump start on learning more
about Linux!

The sessions will cover the following topics:

   - Working with Code
   - Using the Shell
   - Installing Linux
   - Remote Access and SSH
   - Using Linux at UIC

Each presentation will be presented in SELE 2254 or around the LUG/ACM
office area.
Check out the LUG website (lug.cs.uic.edu) for the most current information
about when/where each session will be happening.
If you have any questions, please let us know by beginning a discussion on
the ACM/LUG listserv or by contacting one of the LUG officers directly.
 Hope you're ready for a Linux-filled week!

Chase Lee
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