[Acm-announce] LUG Newbie Week - October 5 - 9, 2015

Chase Lee clee231 at uic.edu
Sat Oct 3 00:07:29 CDT 2015

Hello everyone,

All of next week, The Linux Users Group will be hosting their annual
Linux *Newbie
Week*!  Newbie week will start on *October 5 *and conclude on *October 9*.
Newbie Week is a chance for new users to learn more about Linux!  At first,
Linux may be a daunting thing to handle... With all these terminal commands
and unfamiliar toolsets.

We hope that after learning about Linux, you will understand a bit more
about the operating system and perhaps gain an appreciation for all the
Linux goodness! :-)  If you are a CS major, then you are bound to dabble
with Linux at some point or another, so get a jump start on learning more
about Linux!

The sessions will cover the following topics:

   - Installing Linux
   - Working with Code
   - Using the Shell
   - Remote Access and SSH
   - Using Linux at UIC

Each presentation will be presented in either the Mac Lab(SELE 2254) or the
ACM/LUG Office (SELE 2264) at 5:30PM throughout the week.

The ordering of the presentations may be switched around, so check out the
calendar(https://acm.cs.uic.edu/calendar) for the most current information
about when/where each session will be happening.
If you have any questions, please let us know by beginning a discussion on
the ACM/LUG listserv or by contacting one of the LUG officers directly.
Hope you're ready for a Linux-filled week!

Chase Lee
Linux Users Group President 2015-2016 at the University of Illinois at
ACM/LUG Systems Administrator
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