[Acm-announce] SIG Open - 4th of Feb from 4pm-5pm in Mac Lab

Timothy Choh tchoh2 at uic.edu
Wed Feb 3 22:04:26 CST 2016

Hello, it's me📞☎
I was
​ 💡​
wondering if after all these
​📆 weeks you'd like to meet☕
To go over
​our project💻
They say that
​make a better coder📟
​And you can put it on your resume​📃

​Aside from that, we decided on a project! We will be working on a website
to help automate the timesheets for university students.  It would help
automate the process of faxing (and or emailing) the timesheets to the
appropriate person.  We will be adding much more to this, but we all need a
starting point!  If you would like to participate in the project, let me
know by emailing me at tchoh2 at uic.edu and send me your GitHub username.​

​If you would like to work on another project, or have another idea, please
do still come and bring your idea!  This group is not limited to just one
project and It would be awesome if we could get more than one project going
at once so that each team isn't too big​.  If you wanted to start a project
but never knew how to start or needed some guidance, come with your idea!
I am more than happy to help guide groups to finishing their projects.  ​

Tim C​
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