====== Email ======
**you can use a [[http://www.feep.net/sendmail/tutorial/intro/forward.html|.forward file]] in your home directory with an alternate email located in to to forward the email else-ware **
====== Checking and Sending Email ======
All ACM user get email accounts using standard ACM credentials
Users can use the following methods
- A command line mail client run on the acm.cs.uic.edu server
- A standard mail client configured for IMAP and SMTP (ie thuderbird/phone mail app/etc)
- ACM webmail access at https://acm.cs.uic.edu/webmail
===== Mail Client Configuration =====
IMAP Settings
Server = acm.cs.uic.edu
Port = 143
Security = STARTTLS (also called TLS)
Authentication Method: Normal Password (also called Plain or Plain Text)
SMTP Settings
Server = acm.cs.uic.edu
Port = 587
Security = STARTTLS (also called TLS)
Authentication Method: Normal Password (also called Plain or Plain Text)
Email is handled by 2 servers:
====== Servers ======
===== postfix (SMTP)=====
postfix is an SMTP server running on port 25 and 587.
When a new email comes in postfix puts the mail in $HOME/Mailder/new
===== dovecot (IMAP)=====
dovecot is an IMAP server running on port 143 and 993
When a user goes to check their mail
dovecot looks for email in $HOME/Maildir
====== Resources ======
[[http://books.google.com/books?id=0pDFcu6QhY4C&num=13|Linux E-mail