The ACM hosts a Mumble server, Murmur, as a VOIP service to members. The server uses LDAP authentication so that members can login with their active ACM accounts and not a shared server password. The Mumble client can be downloaded here.
Port: 64738
Username: <Your ACM Username>
Password: <You ACM Passowrd>
Username: SuperUser
Password: *Ask A Sysadmin*
Server Config: /etc/murmur.ini
Package: mumur-ice (AUR)
LDAP Scipt Location: /opt/murmur-scipts (perms: 755, owner: murmur, group: murmur)
LDAP Auth Service: murmur-ldap.service
[Unit] Description=Murmur LDAP Authenticator Requires=murmur.service After=murmur.service [Service] Type=simple User=murmur WorkingDirectory=/opt/murmur-scripts PIDFile=/run/murmur/ ExecStart=/opt/murmur-scripts/ --ini /opt/murmur-scripts/LDAPauth.ini --app Restart=always [Install]