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kanboard [2016/03/08 15:35]
walter [Usage Notes]
kanboard [2021/05/02 21:36]
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-====== Kanboard ====== 
-===== What is Kanban? ===== 
-Kanban is methodology for agile project management. Unlike Scrum agile, which uses stories planned out ahead of time, Kanban uses a task pool and tasks are picked out of the pool such that the supply of work effort is maximized. This is a very simple and brief overview on Kanban and it is recommended to read more than this brief introduction. 
-===== Usage Notes ===== 
-Kanboard is an ACM hosted service providing a Kanban board for member and org projects. To access Kanboard, just go to the link above and login with your ACM username and password. If you need to become a project admin, simply talk or message an ACM site admin to get help. When setting up your project, do not forget you will need to add the specific people working on it in order for them to see the project if your project is not setup to be visible to the entire system. ​ 
-In order to learn more about using Kanboard and its extensive feature list, please visit the Kanboard website. 
-[[http://​|Kanboard Website]] 
-In particular, you should at least look at the [[http://​​documentation/​usage-examples|Usage Examples Page]] to give you a basic idea on how to organize workflows. 
-===== Admin Notes ===== 
-Kanboard currently lives on the Chopin web host. By default, a file copy of the Kanboard directory would be enough to do a total backup of the system. The ACM Kanboard, however, is using the MySQL storage back end NOT the default SQLite one. This means that any backup plan for this service must take that into account in order to create an effective backup. ​ 
kanboard.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/05/02 21:36 (external edit)