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linux:arch_ad_backend [2016/10/19 23:04]
walter [Packages]
linux:arch_ad_backend [2021/05/02 21:36]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Arch AD Auth ====== 
-====== Packages ====== 
-acm-pam ([[linux:​acm_custom_repo|acm repo]]) 
-acm-admins-sudo ([[linux:​acm_custom_repo|acm repo]]) 
-====== Configs ====== 
-===== Kerberos ===== 
-        default_realm = ACM.CS 
-        dns_lookup_realm = false 
-        dns_lookup_kdc = true 
-        acm.cs = ACM.CS 
-        .acm.cs = ACM.CS 
-#       kdc = CONSOLE 
-To test run 
-<​code>​kinit username</​code>​ 
-===== LDAP/NSLCD ===== 
-LDAP lookups and auth use nslcd as opposed to the old nss-ldap/​pam-ldap packages. Nslcd is faster and more reliable than the old libs. 
-**Make sure nslcd.conf can only be read by root** 
-uid nslcd 
-gid nslcd 
-uri ldaps://​ad1.acm.cs/​ 
-uri ldaps://​ad2.acm.cs/​ 
-ldap_version 3 
-base dc=acm,​dc=cs 
-binddn apacheacm@acm.cs 
-bindpw <ask admin> 
-rootpwmoddn acmpwadmin@acm.cs 
-rootpwmodpw <ask admin> 
-base group ou=ACMGroups,​dc=acm,​dc=cs 
-base passwd ou=ACMUsers,​dc=acm,​dc=cs 
-base shadow ou=ACMUsers,​dc=acm,​dc=cs 
-bind_timelimit 30 
-timelimit 30 
-ssl on 
-tls_reqcert allow 
-**Uncomment the '​Mappings for Active Directory'​ section** 
-pagesize 1000 
-referrals off 
-idle_timelimit 800 
-filter passwd (&​(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computer))(uidNumber=*)(unixHomeDirectory=*)(!(UserAccountControl:​1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:​=2))) 
-map passwd uid sAMAccountName 
-map passwd homeDirectory unixHomeDirectory 
-map passwd gecos displayName 
-filter shadow (&​(objectClass=user)(!(objectClass=computer))(uidNumber=*)(unixHomeDirectory=*)(!(UserAccountControl:​1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:​=2))) 
-map shadow uid sAMAccountName 
-map shadow shadowLastChange pwdLastSet 
-filter group (objectClass=group) 
-===== NSSwitch ===== 
-Edit the passwd, shadow, and group lines to this 
-passwd: files ldap [NOTFOUND=return] 
-shadow: files ldap [NOTFOUND=return] 
-group: files ldap [NOTFOUND=return] 
-<​code>​getent passwd</​code>​ 
-The LDAP user list should show up 
-<​code>​getent group</​code>​ 
-The LDAP group list should show up 
-===== Sudo ===== 
-To give admins sudo 
-%AcmLanAdmins ALL=(ALL) ALL 
-===== PAM ===== 
-These files are in /etc/pam.d 
-Force install acm-pam 
-pacman -S --force acm-pam 
-This will install a working PAM stack for auth against the ACM AD domain 
linux/arch_ad_backend.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/05/02 21:36 (external edit)