[Acm-announce] SIG SysAdmin Meeting Tomorrow 5:15PM SELE 2264

Walter Dworak wdwora2 at uic.edu
Mon Feb 10 13:19:33 CST 2014

Hi guys,

     SIG SysAdmin is having its meeting as scheduled. I decided to make 
sure we get all the major ground work done on the group project for 
*both *new members and those that had already started. I would like 
anyone that has finished with the first set up tasks up and including 
getting libvirt running to help others which will include people 
starting from scratch. I want all those tasks completed so I can start 
covering Active Directory topics, and I want people to be able to follow 
along during any talks. If you want to get into the lab not during the 
SIG hours, reply or email me directly.

Here is the task page for reference:

I recommend new people do the beginner tasks on their own before 
starting (although not required), and if on the main project, you need 
to do tasks: 1, 2, 3, and 4. Anyone that needs access to the IT lab (SEL 
2264) not during the SIG hours to do work, please email me and we can 
work out the details.

Walter Dworak

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