[Acm-announce] Fwd: Can you spread the voice about this study?

Lukasz Stempniewicz lstemp2 at uic.edu
Sun Jan 25 22:23:49 CST 2015

 Are you interested in participating in a study to help develop a
next-generation history museum exhibit?

We are looking for volunteers for a research study we will be running from
Wednesday, January 14 to Friday, January 30 called “CREATIV: Studying and
Promoting Quantitative and Spatial Reasoning with Complex Visual Data
Across School, Museum, and Web Media Contexts”, *UIC research protocol
# *2012-0673.
In the study we will ask you to explore a new exhibition space where some
census data are displayed on a shared screen.

You will receive a $5 Amazon.com or Starbucks gift card.

We anticipate that the entire experience will last no more than 10 minutes.
The research will take place on the UIC campus in the LSRI building at 1240
W. Harrison Street. If you are interested, please contact Francesco Cafaro
via email.

You must be 18 years old or older to participate in this study.

This research is supported by money from the National Science Foundation.
Dr. Leilah Lyons, Director of the New York Hall of Science and Assistant
Professor of Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Chicago, is
the principal investigator on the study.

Thank you very much for your time,

Francesco Cafaro

PhD Student, Computer Science, UIC

(312) 286 - 7520

fcafar2 at uic.edu
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