[Acm-announce] Reminder and updates - LAN Party Saturday, September 12th

Allison Channic allisonchannic at gmail.com
Thu Sep 10 14:27:13 CDT 2015

Hello everyone,

First of all, thank you to everyone who's signed up for the LAN party this
Saturday! If you haven't signed up yet, you can do so here
sign-up is not required, it is highly recommended for gaming and food

A few updates from the previous e-mail based on people's responses:

   - I've decided to move the food time to 3:30. That way people will have
   time to come in, set-up, and not get super hungry in the mean-time. That
   will also leave opportunity for people to get food later in the evening
   when people get hungry again. Please note that the department has approved
   only the eating of pizza in the CS space (including the ACM office) for
   this event. Drinks TBD, but not likely.
   - There will be Risk and Cards Against Humanity (no expansion packs,
   unless someone wants to bring them) brought to you by yours truly. If you
   would like to bring any other board games, please bring them yourselves.

For those who have recently signed up for the listserv and did not here
about the LAN party, below the dotted line is all of the information from
the previous e-mail. Cheers.

Allison Channic
Vice President
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
University of Illinois at Chicago


I am happy to announce that *the first ACM LAN Party will be this Saturday,
September 12th in the CS lounge (SELE 2260) :) *Come join the ACM for a day
and night of fun, food, and video games to welcome the start of the new
school year and new CS space.


*What's a LAN party*: Super awesome fun time where gamers just sit together
and play video games (and a few board and card games) and eat

*What to bring*: Your lovely selves, your gaming machine(s), controllers,
other accessories, and any games you would like to play (including board
and card games). *The ACM WILL NOT provide gaming machines!*

*Time*: Set-up begins at 12:00pm, first game starts at 1:00pm.

*Cost*: This event is completely free

*Who*: Anyone can come, including non ACM members and alumni. Those not
affiliated with UIC can also come, but must be accompanied at all times
with someone who is UIC affiliated.

*Food*: Pizza will be served at approximately 5:30 (or when a herd of
hungry gamers bother me to order food) at no cost.

*Games*: No official game listing, play whatever you want with whoever you
want, whenever you want. Here are just a few of the games we typically play
or have played in the past:

   - Civ V
   - Artemis
   - Team Fortress 2
   - League of Legends
   - Super Smash Bros.
   - Mortal Kombat
   - The Ship
   - Risk

*Tournaments*: Due to the last minute nature of this event, there will be
no "official" gaming tournaments, however, those who come are free to
organize tournaments or mass-gaming events as they please (including and
especially Artemis and Civ V).

*How to sign-up*: RSVP isn't required, but please fill out this form right
help us get a better idea of attendance, food requirements, and what games
people want to play.

For any additional questions, comments, or tournament or game requests,
please e-mail officers at acm.cs.uic.edu.

Hope to see you there!
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