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Service Disruptions

As part of being an ACM/LUG Systems Administrator, you are tasked with notifying the appropriate parties when an incident arises. This may include (but not limited to) contacting the faculty advisor, contacting officers in multiple organizations, contacting the CS Support contact, or even contacting the fire department.

System Administrators are responsible for the upkeep of the ACM/LUG servers and services. In 2015-2016, new construction on the CS lounge completed and the ACM/LUG office was moved into the former IT Lab(SELE 2264). All student servers are now located in the student space server room located in SELE 2266.

A system administrator is advised to check on the server room at least once every two days to ensure the smooth running of servers. Automated alert services are still in the process of being setup. A short visual inspection of the server room is generally all that is needed.

In the event that you see anything awry, you MUST alert the appropriate authorities and stakeholders.

Emergency Contact Information

  • Campus Emergency Telephone Number: (312)355-5555 (or 5-5555 from a campus phone)
  • Critical Medical Emergency: 911 (9-911 from a campus phone)

Disruption Contact Tiers

Depending on the magnitude of the disruption, different parties must be notified or risk breaching possible running agreements with ACM/LUG/WiCS and the university.

Tier 1

  • Announcement on

Tier 2

  • Announcement on
  • Announcement email to
  • Detailed email indicating the situation sent to:
    • OR their individual emails if the mail server is down.

Tier 2b

  • Call CS Department Office. (Just need to call one: Main Office: (312)996-3422; Student Affairs: (312)996-2290, (312)413-4950)
  • Detailed email indicating the situation sent to:
    • OR their individual emails if the mail server is down.

Tier 3

  • Announcement on
  • Announcement email to
  • Detailed email indicating the situation sent to:
    • OR their individual emails if the mail server is down.

Tier 4

  • Call 911 and/or alert campus authorities if deemed necessary.
  • Detailed email indicating the situation sent to:
    • OR their individual emails if the mail server is down.


Scenarios are given in the sections below. Some of these scenarios have actually happened and can have serious implications if not handled properly.

Fire Hazard or Chemical burning

In the event you notice noxious fumes or smoke emanating from a device under your authority:

  1. Unplug the device if it will not put you in any immediate danger.
  2. If strong fumes or smoke has spread through the area, strongly advise occupants to evaculate the area.
  3. If deemed serious, call 911. (9-911 from a campus phone)
  4. Move yourself to safety.
  5. Notify Tier 4.

In the event you notice noxious fumes or smoke emanating from a device owned by the Computer Science or Engineering departments:

  1. Unplug the device if it will not put you in any immediate danger.
  2. If strong fumes or smoke has spread through the area, strongly advise occupants to evaculate the area.
  3. If deemed serious, call 911. (9-911 from a campus phone)
  4. Move yourself to safety.
  5. Notify Tier 2b.

In the event you notice noxious fumes or smoke emanating from a device owned the Academic Computing and Communications Center (ACCC):

  1. Unplug the device if it will not put you in any immediate danger.
  2. If strong fumes or smoke has spread through the area, strongly advise occupants to evaculate the area.
  3. If deemed serious, call 911. (9-911 from a campus phone)
  4. Move yourself to safety.
  5. Notify ACCC ((312)413-0003 option 9)

Planned Service Disruption

In a planned Service Disruption,

  1. You must make a public announcement at least 24 hours in advance with the following information:
    1. The general plan of action
    2. Expected downtime
    3. Provide a list of affected services
  2. Notify Tier 1.
  3. IF any service affects research student or faculty, see the section below on service_disruption_related_to_a_research_entity_or_faculty

UNPlanned Service Disruption

In a unplanned Service Disruption,

  1. You must make a public announcement with the following information:
    1. The general plan of action
    2. Expected downtime
    3. Provide a list of affected services
  2. Notify Tier 1.
  3. IF any service affects research student or faculty, see the section below on service_disruption_related_to_a_research_entity_or_faculty

Full or partial loss of power


Service is no longer functioning



Loss of Air Conditioning


Compromised System


Disgruntled SysAdmin


admin/service_disruptions.1517702300.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/02 21:36 (external edit)