SVN and Trac hosting has been discontinued, however the ACM offers git hosting to members via
Which includes project wiki pages and other features that are typical to trac. If you have an existing SVN repo please use an available 'svn to git' conversion tools and switch if you wish publicly host your code with us. You can still use and create SVN repos local to your user account. However, there will be no assistance provided to host them in a shared manner.
For a list of trac repos:
for a list of svn repos:
your credentials are standard AD credentials
Have apache with ssl ready. Have ldap ready.== Install trac, and svn.
Only do this once. (Not once per project, only once per server)
## trac/svn section -- hef ## <Location "/trac"> SetHandler mod_python PythonInterpreter main_interpreter PythonHandler trac.web.modpython_frontend PythonOption TracEnvParentDir /var/lib/trac PythonOption TracUriRoot /trac SetEnv TRAC_ENV_PARENT_DIR "/var/lib/trac" PythonOption PYTHON_EGG_CACHE "/var/www/" </Location> <LocationMatch "/trac/[^/]+/login"> AuthType Basic AuthName "Trac" AuthBasicProvider "ldap" AuthLDAPURL "ldap://acm.cs:3268/DC=acm,DC=cs?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=user)" AuthLdapBindDN apacheacm@acm.cs AuthLDAPBindPassword "YourLdapBindPassword" require valid-user </LocationMatch> <Location /svn> DAV svn SVNParentPath /var/svn/repos SVNListParentPath on AuthzSVNAccessFile /var/svn/conf/SVNAccessFile AuthType Basic AuthName "Trac" AuthBasicProvider "ldap" AuthLDAPURL "ldap://acm.cs:3268/DC=acm,DC=cs?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=user)" AuthLdapBindDN apacheacm@acm.cs AuthLDAPBindPassword "YourLdapBindPassword" <LimitExcept GET PROPFIND OPTIONS REPORT> require valid-user </LimitExcept> </Location> ## end trac/svn section ##
for sysadmins:
svnadmin create --fs-type fsfs /var/svn/repos/myproject trac-admin /var/lib/trac/myproject initenv chown -R www-data /var/lib/trac/myproject trac-admin /var/lib/trac/myproject permission add myuser TRAC_ADMIN
[trac] authz_file = /var/svn/conf/SVNAccessFile autgz_module_name = myproject
[myproject:/] myuser1 = rw myuser2 = rw
trac respects AuthzSVNAccessFile but does not manage it… yet.
So I beat around for a while and found this ticket: Maybe someday sakkos and I will actually write that plugin.