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Setting up Pidgin
  1. Download and Install Pidgin
  2. In the buddy list window, go to AccountsManage Accounts
  3. Click the Add… button
    1. Under Protocol select IRC
    2. For Username type what username you wish to have
    3. For Server type
    4. Click the Add button
  4. Click the checkbox next to to enable it
  5. Close the window

- In the buddy list window, to to “Buddies” → “Add Chat”

  1. Under Account, make sure is selected
  2. For Channel, enter #tutoring
  3. Check the Autojoin when account becomes online checkbox
  4. Check the Remain in chat after window is closed checkbox
  5. Click the Add button
network/irc.1258346563.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/02 21:36 (external edit)